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Fudge Placebo

My Corner

As you probably know by now I am a huge reader! I love books, from the classics to Stephen King. I will read anything as long as it has a good story line.

This to me is an ideal corner to read in. I have a bookcase to hand, near a window, some comfortable cushions and not a care in the world!

Credits Here ♥


*alirium* DwarfForest [OldGold] LI:3

HPMD* Shrub02 - green a LI:3

HPMD* Shrub02 - palePink d LI:2

ionic : Chill out - (for 2) LI:5

ionic : Chill out - RARE LI:34

ionic : Color candles LI:5

ionic : Creatures from the sea - (hanging plants) LI:4

ionic : Geometry balance - plant LI:2

ionic : Plaster bookshelf LI:6

ionic : Wooden geometrical shelf LI:5

[we're CLOSED] grass field lush LI:1

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